Moonhead75's Blog

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Fitting the pieces together December 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — moonhead75 @ 6:27 am

I have learned so much over the past 8 weeks about all of the learning theories that it has really made me take a different approach as it applies to the way that I learn. Earlier in the course we had to write about which learning theory best applied to the way that we learn and I really connected with the cognitive learning theory because I am more of  a hands on learner one that needs to touch, see, listen and read information to process information correctly. I noticed that as I studied the learning theories I found other theories that I also could relate to such as the connectivist and adult learning theory. I have a real interest for technology and social net-working and the connectivist theory had attributes that really fit my learning style. It was really interesting to learn about the adult learning theory because as an online learner I feel that I acquire information best through self-directed learning and practical information that can be applied to my work. The behaviorist learning theory had some interesting attributes but I didn’t find a direct connection as it applied to my learning style. The behaviorist theory is based on observation and stimulus response where as I learn best through direct connection. The social learning theory had also interesting attributes but as it applies to my learning style I only found that the social aspect of the theory was in direct correlation with how I learn. It was not until I started taking online courses that I really saw how working collaboratively in a social setting really helped me in understanding the content of the course.

Since I started taking online classes over four years ago I find that I am even more interested in technology and have even gotten better with using different applications. I think that working for a higher education company dedicated in keeping current with technological advances has also been of great benefit for me as a student and professionally. I use technology at work by way of the internet by researching, emailing and using different computer applications.


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